If you wish for photos of a child to be included on the site please fill in a parental consent form and either send a copy to the clerk of the Council or give the original to a Parish Councillor.
This must be done by the person filling in the form.
Ghouls, Ghosts and Witches abounded in Burnby, on Halloween, especially on the trek through the graveyard

Monster thanks to all those who took part whether by joining the procession or providing the huge quantity of sweets which were consumed. The costumes were magnificent (watch out for the 'rat' who possible was responsible for eating most of the sweets) or perhaps it was the 'Wolf'. Odds on you cannot recognise most of the participants
A great evening was enjoyed by all. Thank you again'


Resident of Burnby for thirty three years and ex Church Warden Georgina Curry was leaving the village, this was a very sad occasion for Burnby residents, as Georgina had contributed to and organised some amazing events in her time, but how do you find a suitable farewell gift for such an amazing person
Well, the village got its head together, and with the certain knowledge that Georgina was a dedicated Elvis fan, who owned every record and knew all his songs off by heart, it was decided that there was no better gift than an Elvis tribute evening!
So, with amazing subterfuge, the village got together, and starting making arrangements
Georgina, had no knowledge of the event what so ever, until Elvis opened the door of St Giles to greet her
Wow, what an evening followed, truly amazing, virtually the whole of Burnby was rocking in the aisles
It has to be said that, Georgina has (finally) left the building'

Burnby Boomerangs - Operation Life Style Event - In Aid of St Giles Fabric Fund - Wednesday 24th July
What wonderful entertainment, food and drink, Laura and Sasha Elliott-White and Jessica Forman provided at the above event, on Wednesday 24th July. Their hard work made an amazing £165.00.
Your musical talents took everyone by surprise, girls. The 'Burnby Boomerangs' will be in demand for future Village events, Sasha on Piano, Guitar and vocals. Laura Piano, Clarinet and vocals and Jessica, Flute and Vocals PLUS composer of the last piece of music performed 'Summer Sweet'. What a treat this was for everyone. Well done Laura, Sasha and Jessica, you have every reason to be extremely proud of yourselves, Burnby and old St Giles certainly are
Thanks must also go to those of you who supported this event, whether in person or not, the girls are grateful for your donations, and for making the event the success it has been
Huge thank you to everyone, and again, well done girls
Burnby Boomerangs Operation Life Style Present an Afternoon of Family Cricket Fun - Sunday 11th August 2.00pm to 4.30pm at Pocklington Cricket Club in Aid of Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
This is an opportunity not to be missed to support the organisers Jessica Forman, and Laura and Sasha Ellott-White, in their bid to raise money for 'Hearing Dogs for the Deaf' a very worth while local charity, as part of their Operation Life Style 2013 summer project
Cost £3.00 includes a burger/Sausage in a bun, plus the bar will be open. Junior cricket rules apply, and teams will be chosen on the day
Raffle will be held
Tickets available from Jessica Forman 01759 303079
Community Support Day being jointly arranged by the Parish Council and the Goole and Howdenshire Community Partnership, to be held at Holme on Spalding Moor.
The event is on Wednesday 8 May 2013, from 2.30 - 6.30pm
Organisations attending will include :
A local doctor and support : general advice on health matters
Karen Wood of ERYC : Community Funds from wind turbine farms
Local Police : Crime Prevention talks and information will be available
Local Fire & Rescue Service : advice on a range of issues
Neighbourhood Watch
East Riding Council Solarwall Group : to present on fuel poverty etc
Goole Leisure centre : to present on fitness regimes
East Riding Sports Development Unit with Play Rangers
Humber & Wilds Rural Community Council
Waste & recycling team of East Riding Council
East Riding Council Carer Support Service
East Riding Council Benefits Team
Tenants and Housing Officers East Riding Council
Trading Standards Officer East Riding Council
Dog Wardens East Riding Council
Help the Aged
British Legion
Young Farmers
Wheels to Work
Funding support agencies : to help local groups and people to apply for grants for local projects
Everybody Welcome
Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire – Chair and Director Vacancies
We are looking for a dynamic Chair and a Board of Directors to lead the successful launch and ongoing work of Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire which will be a powerful new consumer champion for public services, supporting local people to influence and make informed choices about local health and social care services.
This is a unique opportunity to use your knowledge, skills and abilities to drive forward change within the East Riding; leading an organisation that is mandated by legislation to act on behalf of the community, ensuring local people have a voice when planning and delivering health and social care services across the area.
The new organisation will work in partnership with the voluntary and community sector to gather views on all health and social care services. It will create a holistic picture of health and social care based on the experiences of people locally to inform and influence service development and quality.
Meeting New Horizons has been awarded the contract to support the establishment of the Healthwatch organisation, which has been set up as a Community Interest Company. We are interested in receiving applications from those who have proven experience gained in a professional, personal or voluntary capacity in one or more of the following areas:
• Health & Social Care
• Finance or Legal
• Communities
• Business Development
• Market Research
• Patient and Public Engagement
To fill these high profile roles you will have Board level or senior management experience in a voluntary and community sector, public sector or business environment; a passion for improving health and social care services and a genuine commitment to engaging all sections of the community.
The Chair and Directors will have legal responsibilities as directors of a Community Interest Company and will be accountable for the discharge of Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire’s statutory responsibilities. All posts will be voluntary roles with reasonable expenses paid.
If you feel you have the necessary skills, drive and commitment to make a difference we would be delighted to hear from you.
For an application pack, please contact Helen Blanchard at hblanchard@hull-cvs.co.uk or call 01482 595551.
Please note that the deadline for applications is 12noon on Wednesday 24th May 2013.
Library and Information Vehicle.
Commencing from 2nd of April 2013 the Library bus will be calling at the Green off the A1079 nr The Plough Inn at 9.45am -10.00am on the following dates
14th May, 4th June, 25th June, 16th July, 6th August, 27th August, 17th September, 8th October, 29th October, 19th November, 10th December and the 31st December 2013