Hayton & Burnby Parish Council
Neighbourhood Development Plan
What is it and how does it affect YOU???
It all started when the Government introduced the Localism Act in 2011. This Act was made to give local communities greater power to shape development in their own locality through their Town or Parish Council.
With a Neighbourhood Plan the Parish Council can involve the WHOLE community in creating a vision and policies for the use and development of land in the neighbourhood.
In the East Riding, Neighbourhood Plans must conform to the strategic planning policies contained in the East Riding Local Plan but can be used to tailor planning objectives for the area. It can be as all encompassing or as specific as the community wishes. For example it could be used simply to identify and protect local green spaces or cover the broad planning control, local facilities, services, neighbourhood projects and infrastructure.
The Parish Council is in the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan to cover the whole PC area, including the settlements of Hayton, Burnby and Thorpe-le-Street. Over the next couple of months every household and business within the PC boundary will receive a questionnaire and explanatory letter allowing EVERYONE to put their ideas forward as to how they would like their community to grow and develop over the next twenty years or more. It is extremely important that as many views and opinions as possible are collected and collated.
After all the relevant information has been assessed it will be incorporated into a formal document with the help of ERYC Planning Officers and Ward Councillors. This will become the basis of the Neighbourhood Plan. At this stage, all residents and businesses will be given an opportunity to comment and suggest amendments before the final draft is sent to ERYC for checking before it is published on the ERYC web site with details of how you can make representations regarding the NDP. After this an Independent Examiner will assess the Plan to ensure that it meets basic standards and does not contravene any National or Local policies and is compatible with other legislation.
At this point, people living and working in the Neighbourhood Area and registered to vote will be entitled to vote in a referendom to decide whether or not the Plan should be brought into force.Once the Plan shows general conformity with the Local Plan and has been adopted it will carry real legal weight. and must be adhered to by ERYC in any Planning decision.
Remember this is:-"Your Community, Your Plan"
When you receive your questionnaire please give it some time and thought. If people in your household have different ideas, more copies are available to use. There will be several information events held during the consultation period and I will do my best to answer any queries. It is very important that we get your questionnaires back by the stated date to allow time to collate all the opinions collected. Please use the Parish Council web site to keep up to date with progress.
Thank you,
Mick Bettison, Chairman, Hayton & Burnby Parish Council